Call for Papers for volume 15, n° 1(29)/ 2022: Information and Communication Technologies’ Role in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage, as well as its relevance for maintaining and preserving societies’, communities’, and peoples’ identity, have been topics of discussion over the past few years (Gómez-Ullate et al., 2020; Gottlieb, 2020).

Cultural heritage is defined by UNESCO as using an inspirational tone, encouraging its preservation. Thus, the organization states that “Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration.” Furthermore, cultural heritage is what keeps entire populations unified, it is the key element that makes individuals feel part of a community.

The widespread knowledge of cultural heritage should allow its maintenance, sustainability and preservation of main material and immaterial cultural artifacts. What is the relevance and the role of information and communication technologies in those practices (maintenance, sustainability, and preservation)? Which technological tools are available to individuals for them to access material and immaterial cultural heritage? What are the best practices already in use for this purpose?

What is intended with this special issue is not only to contribute to the understanding of cultural heritage, to reflect on the potential that communication systems can have for its dissemination and preservation. Assuming, here, a logic of looking to the past. But, equally, to contribute so that present and future generations understand the importance of what, later on, will also be cultural heritage, be aware of it and perceive it as a space where they can find ways to combine communication systems and cultural heritage preservation. Assuming, here, a logic of looking to the future.

By assigning a central role to communication systems in the sustainability of cultural heritage, one intends to receive proposals that focus on the possible ways in which these dimensions are already connected, but also on how it is still possible to do more (considering what has been the technological evolution of the last few years) and how objects, people and memories can be connected.

The innovation of the special issue will be in the contributions received that will combine communication systems and technologies and cultural heritage, aiming to promote its preservation. But also innovative in the analysis that will be made of cultural heritage, looking at the past, but also looking at the future. As well as having in consideration the cultural heritage that is already under construction and to which it is important to ensure that its sustainability is a concern. And, in this dialectic between systems and cultural heritage, highlight the role of individuals, both as creators of cultural heritage and as their guardians.

This special edition is seeking contributions in English or French, either empirical or theoretical, considering the role, function and purpose of the information and communication technologies in contributing for the preservation of cultural heritage.

In doing so, contributors are invited to consider (but not limited to) the following goals:

1) contribute to the reflection around cultural heritage;

2) contribute to the reflection on the interaction between communication systems and cultural heritage;

3) analyze the role of individuals in preserving cultural heritage;

4) understand how individuals, as guarantors of the communication systems development, relate to cultural heritage.

The importance of a special issue in this topic is perceived as the way in which the various possible perspectives (cultural, technological, sociological, psychological, political, among others) can be found in the same and only document. This will be a space where several relevant authors from the fields, with common interests, will be able to contribute to something as important for Humanity, as is the cultural heritage.

Important Deadlines 

-      May 30, 2021: submission of the proposal in the form of an extended abstract of maximum 2 pages. The proposal must include a list of recent references and 5 keywords.

-      June 20, 2021: acceptance of the proposal.

-      November 1st, 2021: full paper submission.

-      February 10, 2022: reviewer’s comments to be communicated to authors.

-      April 30, 2022: submission of paper with final revisions (after revisions).

-      July 2022: journal publication.

Full papers should be between 6,000-8,000 words in length. Papers can be submitted in English or French. The abstracts should be in English and French (150-200 words) followed by 5 keywords. Please provide the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all authors, indicating the contact author. Papers, and any queries, should be sent to:

Authors of the accepted papers will be notified by e-mail.


Special issue proposed within the framework of the LOCUS project. LOCUS is co-funded by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, through National Funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/29228/2017), and by the European Regional Development Fund, framed in the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020, under the new partnership agreement PT2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029228). For more information, please see



Gómez-Ullate, M., Rieutort, L., Kamara, A., Santos, A. S., Pirra, A., & Solís, M. G. (2020). Demographic Challenges in Rural Europe and Cases of Resilience Based on Cultural Heritage Management. A Comparative Analysis in Mediterranean Countries Inner Regions. European Countryside12(3), 408–431.

Gottlieb, Y. (2020). Attacks against Cultural Heritage as a Crime against Humanity. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law52(1/2), 287–330. Retrieved from


Technologies de l’information et de la communication et préservation du patrimoine culturel 

Le patrimoine culturel ainsi que sa pertinence pour la préservation de l’identité des sociétés, des communautés et des peuples ont fait l’objet de beaucoup de débats ces dernières années (Gómez-Ullate et al., 2020 ; Gottlieb, 2020). Le patrimoine culturel est défini par l’UNESCO comme une inspiration qui encourage sa préservation. Ainsi, l’UNESCO déclare que « le patrimoine est notre héritage du passé, ce avec quoi nous vivons aujourd’hui et ce que nous transmettons aux générations futures. Notre patrimoine culturel et naturel est à la fois une source irremplaçable de vie et d’inspiration ». En outre, le patrimoine culturel est ce qui maintient des populations entières unifiées, un élément clé qui fait que les individus se sentent intégrés à une communauté.

La connaissance étendue du patrimoine culturel devrait permettre son entretien, sa durabilité et la préservation des principaux artefacts culturels matériels et immatériels. Quelle est la pertinence et le rôle des technologies de ‘'information et de la communication dans ces pratiques ? De quels outils technologiques les individus disposent-ils pour accéder au patrimoine culturel, matériel et immatériel ? Quelles sont les meilleures pratiques déjà utilisées à cet effet ? Voici quelques questionnements qui sont au cœur de ce dossier qui a comme objectif principal non seulement de contribuer à la compréhension du patrimoine culturel, mais également de réfléchir au potentiel que les systèmes de communication peuvent avoir pour sa diffusion et sa préservation. Il est question également de contribuer à la compréhension que les générations présentes et futures puissent avoir de ce que le patrimoine culturel et sa préservation pourraient devenir dans le contexte du développement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC).

       En attribuant un rôle central aux NTIC quant à la soutenabilité du patrimoine culturel, ce dossier de revue attend des propositions d’articles qui se concentrent sur les façons possibles dont ces dimensions sont déjà connectées, mais aussi sur la façon dont il est encore possible de concevoir la connexion entre objets, personnes, mémoire et patrimoine. Le caractère innovant de ce numéro spécial consiste à enrichir les recherches existantes avec des contributions qui questionnent notamment le rôle des NTIC dans la communication sur le patrimoine culturel et dans sa préservation en mettant en rapport pratiques passées et futures, créateurs et gardiens du patrimoine. 

       Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies recherche donc des contributions, en anglais ou en français, empiriques ou théoriques, qui considèrent les rôles, les fonctions et la portée des technologies de l'information et de la communication en ce qui concerne leur contribution à la préservation du patrimoine culturel. Les propositions qui entrecroisent différentes perspectives – culturelles, technologiques, sociologiques, psychologiques, politiques…  sont fortement encouragées. 

Dates importantes :

-             30 mai 2021: envoi de la proposition d’article en anglais ou en français sous forme d’un résuméétendu d’environ 2 pages (comportant 5 mots-clés et bibliographie sélective récente) ;

-             20 juin 2021 : notification des résultats ;

-             1 novembre 2021: soumission de l’article complet (6000-8000 mots);

-             10 février 2022 : communication des expertises

-             30 avril 2022 : acceptation définitive de l'article (après révisions).

Les articles complets et les questions complémentaires doivent être adressées à : 

Les auteurs dont les articles auront été acceptés en seront avisés par e-mail.

La revue sera publiée en juillet 2022.

Numéro special réalisé dans le cadre du projet LOCUS.LOCUS is co-funded by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, through National Funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/29228/2017), and by the European Regional Development Fund, framed in the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020, under the new partnership agreement PT2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029228). For more information, please see